The first Tuesday in November is a day of ecumenical reverence in Australia. The running of the race that stops a nation, the Melbourne Cup causes the hearts of the young to race and the eyes of the old to smile with memories of glorious battles past between equines of unparalleled power and grace. But there's another Tuesday in another part of the world, equally as revered but only slightly less well known where power and grace gives way to Stella and more Stella as two sides meet in a perennial battle of youth over experience on the greens of Hertford Cricket Club.

So on the last Tuesday of July, buoyed by a spate of recent victories, the 'Enders gathered early doors for the pre-match coffee and cookie sharpeners daring each other to believe that this year could be the year. With Douglas tying them down at one end, Saunders tore through the top order with a delectable spell of seam bowling leaving them six down with a little over 50 on the board. But Hertford had kept its powder dry and with a couple of their boys batting further down the order than usual, they built an impressive partnership. With the Weekenders desperately trying to stem the tide, PJ Harvey led the way with 2 outstanding catches, and even the skipper got in on the action, flinging himself sideways to not only stop the ball, but grind it into the dirt with an odd part of his upper thigh. Without a backward glance, Skips seized on the opportunity to seek the comfort of the bar and what ever other medicinal options were to be proffered by the patrons of the hospitality tent. As Hertford maintained their usual late run surge, only the briefest of glimpses were managed of the Skips, shoeless and almost trouserless, hobbling awkwardly on the boundary partly through injury, but more likely in an attempt not to spill the cabernet in one hand and the Stella in the other as he navigated the relatively smooth terrain.

Inevitably, Hertford set a challenging total but one which our openers felt was sufficiently within reach to justify a second helping of dessert at lunch. Whilst the top order laid a solid foundation, the wickets began to fall and the chase started to founder. But with the colossus that is Steve Dunne at one end, and Graham Hogben (relishing both coming in down the order, and having traded his own legs in for Tim Chiari's), at the other, the chase was back on. Hogben later admitting that after the first 3 or 4 balls it felt more like a net session and that he wondered whether or not he could patent the "Chiari" and market it to the ICC as an extra bit of kit for any cricketer who fancies a bat without that pesky running bit.

With Hogben's departure, the run chase slowed but even so 8 or so runs were required on the last over. But it wasn't to be and Dunny (nickname getting a bit tired, how about Duff(?)), unable to get the first 4 away blocked the last 2 for a satisfying draw. A battle royal to the end on another glorious day in Hertford.

H 222-9dec
Douglas 9-2-19-0, Saunders 11-5-29-6, Franks 8-1-31-2, M. d'Inverno 6-1-25-0, Dunne 10-2-36-0, Chiari 9-0-30-0, Simmonds 4-0-31-0
ct: P.Harvey 2, Saunders, Hartley
WCC 212-9
Maloney 23, Chiari 18, Franks 13, Johnstone 27, Hartley 3, P.Harvey 7, Hogben 41, Dunne 46*, Douglas 10, Simmonds 0, Saunders 0*
Debutant: Joe from Chigwell